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Greensted Primary School & Nursery


Year 4 - Summer Term

The Forest

During this topic children will:

  • Explore the forests, looking at the different layers within the forest and which creatures inhabit each one

  • Use picture stimulus to write descriptive writing 

  •  Write newspaper reports about deforestation

  • Write adventure stories

 Over the first half of the Summer term, we will be reading the following book:


During this topic children will:

  • look at how to work scientifically.

  • create clay canopic jars

  • create own compositions by creating a song that contrasts moods and emotions
  • explore Judaism and how Moses journeyed to the Promised Land 

  • have the opportunity to take part in a 1 night residential

Over the second half of the Summer term, we will be reading the following book:

Here are some examples of children's work: