Year 3 - Summer Term
During this topic children will:
- Write instructions about how to make our own chocolates
- Taste, design and make chocolates to raise money for Great Ormond Street
- Learn about the Mayan myths that surround chocolate discovery.
Please click on the medium term plan for more details on what your child will be learning each week:
Year 3 Summer 1 Medium Term Plan
These are some of the books we will be reading over the Summer Term:
The Romans
During this topic children will:
- Learn about the origins of the Romans
- Make mosaics
- Visit Colchester Castle.
- Write newspaper reports
Please click on the medium term plan for more details on what your child will be learning each week:
Year 3 Summer 2 Medium Term Plan
These are some of the books we will be reading over the Summer Term:
Here are some examples of children's work: