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Greensted Primary School & Nursery


Year 3 - Spring Term


During this topic children will:

  • Write non-chronological reports comparing England and France.
  • Investigate light and dark.
  • Explore measures, money and multiplication and division.
  • Study French artists that explored light in their work including Monet
  • Make and evaluate French puppets.
  • Take part in a French theme day where we will sample traditional French foods such as a variety of cheeses, dress in traditional French costumes/ or colours,  and listen to French music.

Please click on the medium term plan for more details on what your child will be learning each week:

Year 3 - Spring 1 Medium Term Plan

These are some of the books we will be reading over the Autumn Term:  

Wild Earth

During this topic children will:

  • Write recounts, letters and diary entries from natural disaster zones.
  • Investigated forces and magnets
  • Learn how to measure the forces of volcanoes and tornadoes.
  • Investigate fractions.

Please click on the medium term plan for more details on what your child will be learning each week:

Year 3 Spring 2 Medium term Plan 

These are some of the books we will be reading over the Autumn Term:

 Here are some examples of children's work: