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Greensted Primary School & Nursery

Young Carers

Young Carers Award

We are very proud to announce that Greensted Primary School has been awarded the Bronze Young Carers Award. A lot of hard work has gone into achieving this award and we are absolutely thrilled that we can offer so much additional support to our children.

Who is a Young Carer?

A young carer is someone under 18 who helps look after someone in their family, or a friend, who is ill, disabled or misuses drugs or alcohol.

What Might a Young Carer Do?

  • Practical tasks, such as cooking, housework and shopping.
  • Physical care, such as helping someone out of bed.
  • Emotional support, such as talking to someone who is distressed.
  • Personal care, such as helping someone dress.
  • Managing the family budget and collecting prescriptions.
  • Helping to give medicine.
  • Helping someone communicate.
  • Looking after brothers and sisters.

Being a young carer can have a big impact on the things that are important to growing up:

  • It can affect a young person’s health, social life and self-confidence.
  • Many young carers struggle to juggle their education and caring which can cause pressure and stress.
  • In a survey, 39% said that nobody in their school was aware of their caring role.
  • 26% have been bullied at school because of their caring role.
  • 1 in 20 miss school because of their caring role.

But young people can learn lots of useful skills by being a young carer.

Our Dedicated Young Carers Team


      Mrs D. Rowe          

 Deputy Headteacher/ SENCO

  Young Carers Senior Leadership Team Lead





Miss T. Fox         

   Learning Mentor

  Young Carers Operational Lead





 Our Whole School Commitment to Young Carers:

 Click the icons below to find out a little more about how we support our Young Carers at Greensted Primary School:

Greensted YC Whole School Commitment







What To Do if You Think Your Child is a Young Carer:

Checklist of Indicators of a Young Carer

This is a possible list of  indicators of a Young Carer.

However, many can be indicative of other issues too.


Identifying and Supporting Young Carers at Greensted Primary School

If you think your child may be a Young Carer, you can complete this letter and hand in to the School Office. The Young Carer Leads will then put your child forward for a         formal assessment so you can all                                                                     access further support. 

Other Useful Links:

Essex Young Carers ServiceAction for Young Carers

Carers Trust The Children's Society

Kool Carers Carers Choices


You can also contact Mrs Rowe, the Young Carer Lead at Greensted Junior School, at youngcarers@greensted.essex.sch.uk