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Greensted Primary School & Nursery

School Uniform

  Our Team Identity :

At Greensted we strongly believe that a school uniform gives the children a sense of `team’ identity. The discipline of wearing a school uniform improves behaviour and makes pupils proud of their school. It’s practical and made to last, so in the long run it works out cheaper and good value for money.

Through the invaluable support of parents the vast majority of children at Greensted proudly wear their school uniform and are a credit to their parents and the school. All children are expected to wear school uniform and for parents’ convenience many of the items may be purchased from the PTA School Uniform Shop. 

For an order form please click here.


Grey skirt or trousers
White polo shirt or blouse
Green sweatshirt or cardigan with school logo


Long or short grey trousers
White polo shirt or shirt
Green sweatshirt with school logo


Grey or White


Black, sensible and safe without open toes or `heels’
(knee high boots, high-heeled shoes or UGG boots
are not appropriate for school).

P.E. and GAMES

Yellow T-shirt plain or with school logo
Green shorts & White socks
Trainers or plimsolls

School Ties are available to purchase via School Money.