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Greensted Primary School & Nursery


At Greensted Primary School, the ‘My Well-Being’ curriculum is intended to support all children and also provide opportunities for discussions regarding relationships, living in the wider community and their health and well-being.  As a school community, we strive for all children to feel happy and safe, as well as feeling comfortable and confident to express their individuality whilst respecting others too.

Click on the icon below to view the Well-being Curriculum Progression Map:


All of our children come from a diverse range of home backgrounds; but when at school we unite as a community and treat everyone equally.  We encourage all children to have exposure to and have discussions on topics relating to personal, social, health and emotional well-being.






At Greensted we give guidance to all students to be able to identify: who they are, what positive relationships they have, where they come from, be accepting of others and to have a positive mindset.  These traits will be consistent across all year groups, which will give them the tools needed for the rest of their education and their life.  We inspire and motivate the children to be proud of themselves and recognise what they can achieve, as well as how to tackle challenges that they may face.


 Guidance for My Well-Being has been taken from PSHE Association, where a long-term overview for KS1 and KS2, with age appropriate and specific learning objectives have been created.  All staff have access to the resources and learning objectives to support them when planning their own lessons.  As well as giving the children opportunities through their lessons, we also deliver themed weeks and days for My Well-Being.

To ensure PSHE is given the same importance to core subjects we ensure there are ample opportunities for cross curricular learning.

At Greensted Primary School, subject leads strive to make planning and lessons outstanding. As an outstanding team of teachers, we support each other when delivering lessons, we have regular book moderations within the MAT and School to discuss and share great practice. 

In addition to moderation, subject leads will observe their lessons being taught across the year groups.  This enables us to monitor progression throughout the school as well as consistency of learning objects that need to be met.  Communication, reflection and feedback is important for us to work effectively and helps us to become an expert in our subject.


The intended impact from My Well-Being will be seeing children having a strong understanding of positive relationships which will reflect upon the children’s behaviour and social skills in school and in the community.  They will have and understanding of their environment and the country they live in by being taught different cultures, the government and the history of different celebrations (cross curricular with History and RE). 

Furthermore, the children will be aware of the importance of identifying and looking after not only their physical but their mental well-being too.  In addition to this, they learn about puberty and the challenges they may face as they hit adolescence and are aware of what is normal for them to go through in preparation.

At Greensted we pride ourselves with creating a safe environment for the children, staff and visitors, the impact of this is that children feel they can trust the adults in the school to ask them for guidance if they are unsure or are worried about something in school or at home, or for support during experiences whilst they are growing up.


All the staff at Greensted Primary will take this vision and approach on board and teach high-quality, outstanding and effective lessons with the specific learning objectives.  This will reflect in the students all through the school who will be confident in discussions and addressing misconceptions; also be ready for the journey they will take throughout their life to secondary and beyond.








Please click the icon below to view the Well-Being Policy: