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Greensted Primary School & Nursery


The History Curriculum at Greensted

At Greensted Primary School and Nursery we have carefully shaped our History curriculum to ensure it is completely inclusive to all pupils at our school and strives to ensure excellence for all. Our lessons have been moulded to encompass all the requirements of the National Curriculum for History. History helps pupils to understand the complexity of people’s lives, the process of change, the diversity of societies and relationships between different groups, as well as their own identity and the challenges of their time. Therefore, we have created a curriculum which allows progressive development of historical concepts, knowledge and importantly demonstrates progression of skills.

At Greensted, we follow a clear progression of skills in History. Click the icon to find out more!



At Greensted Primary School and Nursery we believe that our History curriculum provides a broad and balanced education that allows pupils to develop a deep understanding of the past and how it has shaped the present. It aims to foster curiosity, critical thinking, and empathy towards people and events across different time periods. The curriculum also ensures progression, so that pupils build on their prior knowledge and develop historical skills that will benefit them as they progress through their education and beyond. By linking learning to a range of topics, children have many opportunities to investigate and interpret the past, understand chronology, build an overview of Britain’s past as well as that of the wider world and be able to communicate using historical vocabulary. 

As a school, it is our aim to instil a love of History in all our children from EYFS to the end of KS2. It is our goal to ensure children enjoy and love learning about history by gaining knowledge and skills, not just in the classroom but also outside of the classroom. To support this, we run engaging enrichment days and school trips to key historical sites and buildings, which really bring History alive to all children.

To support this, we run engaging enrichment days and school trips to key historical sites and buildings, which really bring History alive to all children.


At Greensted, subject leads strive to make planning and lessons outstanding. To ensure teachers are well supported with planning and delivering lessons, we have regular feedback via regular book look moderations within the MAT and the school to discuss and share great practice.

High quality resources, including books, artefacts and online materials are used to enhance pupils’ learning experiences. Additionally,  we monitor and observe history lessons taught to ensure that content being delivered is engaging and purposeful. This also allows us to reflect and communicate with colleagues and enables us to become experts in the subject. In addition, subject leader updates throughout the MAT ensure best practice is shared and disseminated down to staff.

When monitoring History, we focus on the progression of skills from EYFS to the end of KS2 to ensure children are being taught progressive enquiry skills and that the learning objectives reflect this. Furthermore, there is a focus on the standards of teaching and productivity of the children to ensure that they are covering a topic in depth and are gaining as most knowledge as possible from their history lessons. As well as that we have ‘Golden Threads’ which are evident through each year group and each topic studied, so children can build upon knowledge, vocabulary and skills they have previously learnt.  

Please click on the icon below to view Greensted's Golden Threads:

At Greensted we teach History as a half termly topic (Year 6 cover WWII over two half terms) with each half term focusing on knowledge and skills stated in the National Curriculum. To ensure History is given the same importance as core subjects, we ensure there are ample opportunities for cross curricular learning. 


It is our responsibility to ensure that children enjoy History lessons and look forward to finding out more about the past. Additionally, it is also our duty to allow children to explore and have discussions that are rich and meaningful. We want to encourage pupils to research independently to further their own enjoyment and fascination about the topic or subject. Books will show evidence of work showing a range of topics covered, cross curriculum links and differentiated work.

Furthermore, it is my responsibility during monitoring sessions to ensure standards in History will be high and will match standards in other subjects such as English. Conclusively, our end goal is to ensure that the children at Greensted Primary School are equipped with historical skills and knowledge ready for their journey into Key Stage 3 and for life as an adult in the great wide world.

History 2

 Please click the icon below to view the History Policy: