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Greensted Primary School & Nursery


At Greensted we take the online safety of our pupils very seriously.


E-Safety is the key to protecting everybody from dangerous or unsafe situations online. At Greensted, we intend to educate our pupils by teaching them about the risks of sharing personal information, talking to strangers online, believing everything they read on the internet and digital footprint.

Mostly all of our pupils have access to the internet at home using a variety of devices and the more apps, online games and social media sites they use the more risks they are likely to have so we intend to provide guidance in what to do if they find themselves feeling uncomfortable or unsafe when using the internet.

We also intend on parents engaging with us as a school about important, up to date information regarding E-Safety so that all parents are aware of the risks their child may experience, how to protect them from those risks and how to support their child if they do experience a difficult situation from being online.


At Greensted, we teach E-Safety throughout the year on a half termly basis during computing lessons. We follow a PSHE Association Quality Assured resource ‘Sharp Alert Secure Kind Brave- Be Internet Legends’ which provides a rich breadth of information and discussions for the children to have about being safe when online.

There are also elements around social media and online gaming embedded in our E-Safety Curriculum, as these are the areas of technology and the internet the majority of our pupils engage with independently.


The expected impact from our E-Safety curriculum, is for them to understand the risks involved when using the internet, how to deal with difficult situations online, be aware of cyberbullying and the affects it can have on others as well as knowing about the severity of digital footprint, if choosing to post online.

We aim to prevent cyberbullying or any risks coming in contact with our pupils from both within the school and outside of school.

At Greensted, we follow a clear progression of skills in E-Safety which are linked to our Well-being curriculum. Click the photo of our wonderful E-Safety Ambassadors to find out more!

E-Safety Overview

Click on the links below for more information about E-Safety:

5 E-Safety Leaflet

Internet matters.org- E-Safety Information






Panic Button APP INFO

Tik Tok Parents Guide October 2018

